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Update from the NICE Project in Svalbard

We have now completed the first year's fieldwork in the NICE project in Svalbard. We have had several successful field trips, including the tagging of char in July, retrieval and deployment of new receivers in August, and capture and tagging of salmon in September. We have also contributed to teaching students at UNIS. We look forward to new challenges in 2025, where we will also be tagging pink salmon.

Yngve and the PhD Candidate on the NICE project, Saron, retrieving and deploying receivers in the summer.

Project Investigator Tormod with a beatuiful Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).

Saron checking the traps regularily troughout the day in hope of catching fish.

Svalbard is in the high North at 78 degrees, a stunning and fascinating, yet somewhat challenging location to work in at times.

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